No. 24/M-DAG/PER/6/2006




In view of:


To Stipulated :


Article 1

Referred to in this regulation as:

Article 2

(1) BPO as meant in Article 1 point 1 shall be contained in Attachments I, II and III to this regulation.

(2) BPO as contained in Attachment I cannot be imported, except Carbon Tetrachloride for laboratory and analytical use.

(3) BPO as meant in Attachments II and III only can be impoerted from countries contained in the list issued by the State Ministry for Environmental Affairs, by companies already securing recognition as IP-BPO or appointment as IT-BPO

(4) The import of BPO as meant in paragraph (3) only can be realized through the following ports:

(5) BPO as meant in Attachment II only can be imported to the Indonesian customs area up to December 31, 2007, proven by inward manifest.

Article 3

(1) Stipulation for the deadline of the import of BPO as meant in Article 2 paragraph (5) can be reviewed if technical benefit of BPO and effectiveness of their use have remained replaceable.

(2) The review of the deadline of the import as meant in paragraph (1) shall be stipulated on the basis of consideration resulting from the coordinative meeting between institutions/agencies concerned and observing the implementation of provisions of the Montreal Protocol.

Article 4

The quantity of BPO, which can be imported by IP-BPO and IT-BPO shall be stipulated by referring to the volume of BPO, which may be used nationally, stipulated by the State Ministry for Environmental Affairs.

Article 5

(1) BPO imported by IP-BPO as meant in Article 2 paragraph (3) only shall be used as raw materials/auxiliary materials in the production process of manufacturers and cannot be traded or handed over.

(2) The Director General shall stipulated recognition as IP-BPO

(3) In order to obtain recognition as IP-BPO as meant in paragraph (2), the companies shall meet the following provisions:

a. In the case of application for IP-BPO so as to be able to import non-methyl bromide BPO, the applicants must submit application for the Director General by enclosing:

b. In the case of application for IP-BPO so as to be able to import methyl bromide BPO, the applicants must submit application for the Director General by enclosing:

Article 6

(1) Based on the application for recognition as IP-BPO as meant in Article 5 paragraph (3), the Director General shall issue approval or rejection in not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of the application.

(2) The recognition as IP-BPO shall contain, among others, data or information about corporate identity, validity period of recognition, kind, quantity and no. of classification of goods (harmonized system/HS), country of origin and destination port.

Article 7

(1) Companies already securing recognition as IP-BPO shall report the realized import and use of BPO to the Director General every 3 (three) months with a copy made available to the Deputy MenLH as well as the Director General of IAK in the case of non-pharmaceutical industries or Head of BPOM in the case of pharmaceutical industries.

(2) Model of the report as meant in paragraph (1) shall be contained in Attachment IV to this regulation.

Article 8

1) The Director General shall stipulate the appointment as IT-BPO as meant in Article 2 paragraph (3).

2) In order to obtain the appointment as IT-BPO, as meant in oaraaraoh (1). the companies shall meet the following requirements:

a. In the case of the application for IT-BPO aiming at enabling the relevant to import non-methyl bromide BPO, the applicants must submit application to the Director General by enclosing:

b. In the case of the application for IT-BPO aiming at enabling the relevant to import methyl bromide BPO, the applicants must submit application to the Director General by enclosing:

c. In the case of the application for IT-BPO aiming at enabling the relevant to import non-methyl bromide and methyl bromide BPO, the applicants must submit application to the Director General by enclosing:

Article 9

(1) Based on the application for appointment as IT-BPO as meant in Article 8 paragraph (2), the Director General shall issue approval or rejection of appointment as IT-BPO in not later than 15 (fifteen) working days as from the date of receipt of the application.

(2) The document of appointment as IT-BPO shall contain, among others, data/information about corporate identity, validity period of appointment, kind and no. of classification of goods (Harmonized System/HS).

Article 10

(1) The import of BPO by IT-BPO shall secure prior import approval from the Director General with regard to the quantity, kind, and no. of classification of goods (Harmonized System/HS), loading country, destination port and moment of shipment.

(2) The Director General shall issue the import approval as meant in paragraph (1) after considering the plan for distribution of BPO by IT-BPO, which must be enclosed upon submitting application for securing import approval, as well as already securing recommendation from the Director of IAK in the case of non-pharmaceutical industries and/or Head of BPOM in the case of pharmaceutical industries.

(3) Methyl bromide imported by IT-BPO only can be distributed in accordance with provisions stipulated by the Minister of Agriculture.

Article 11

(1) Companies already securing appointment as IT-BPO shall report the realized import and distribution of BPO to the Director General every 3 (three) months, with a copy made available to the Deputy MenLH as well as the Director of IAK in the case of non-pharmaceutical industries and/or Head of BPOM in the case of pharmaceutical industries or the Head of the Licensing and Investment Center of the Ministry of Agriculture in the case of the realized import of methyl bromide.

(2) Model of the report as meant in paragraph (1) shall be contained in Attachment V to this regulation.

Article 12

The import of BPO by IP-BPO and IT-BPO shall follow the provisions in force on classification, label of chemical substance and safety data sheet.

Article 13

(1) The provision applied to secure recognition as IP-BPO or appointment as IT-BPO shall be in exception in the case of the imported BPO being:

(2) The imported BPO as meant in paragraph (1) shall not been designated to trade/transfer and secure prior import-approval from the Director General, which is issued on the basis of recommendation from the DeputyMenLH.

(3) Violation of the provision in paragraph (2) shall be subjected to sanction in accordance with the provisions of legislation in force.

Article 14

(1) Recognition as IP-BPO and appointment as IT-BPO shall be frozen in the case of the said IP-BPO or ITBPO:

(2) Recognition as IP-BPO and appointment as IT-BPO already frozen can be re-activated in the case of:

(3) The freezing of recognition as IP-BPO or appointment as IT-BPO as meant in paragraph (1) as well as the re-activation as IP-BPO or IT-BPO as meant in paragraph (2) shall be done by the Director General.

Article 15

(1) Recognition as IP-BPO and appointment as IT-BPO shall be revoked in the case of the relevant:

(2) The Director General shall revoke IP-BPO or IT-BPO as meant in paragraph (1).

(3) All BPO still owned by companies having their recognition as IP-BPO or appointment as IT-BPO revoked as meant in paragraph (2) shall be re-exported or destroyed at expense of the companies or treated in accordance with the provisions of legislation in force.

Article 16

(1) Recognition as IP-CFC or appointment as IT-CFC or as IT for methyl bromide already issued before the issuance of this regulation shall be declared effective as IP-BPO or IT-BPO until the validity period of IP-CFC or IT-CFC or IT of methyl bromide expires.

(2) Imported BPO not suitable to the provisions in this regulation shall be re-exported or destroyed at expense of the companies or treated in accordance with the provisions of legislation in force.

Article 17

Only The Minister of Trade can stipulate exception from the provisions regulated in this regulation.

Article 18

The Director General shall further stipulate matters not yet regulated in this regulation.

Article 19

With the enforcementof this regulation:

1. Provisions regulating -the deadline of trade of BPO as contained in Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 110/MPP/KEP/1/1998 on Prohibition on Production and Trade of Ozone Depleting Subtances as well as Production and Trade of New Goods Using Ozone Depleting Substances as already amended several times and the latest by Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade No. 790/MPP/KEP/12/2002 shall be declared null and void.

2. Provisions regulating the procedures for the import of BPO as contained in Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 111/MPP/KEP/1/1998 on the Amendment to Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 230/MPP/Kep/7/1997 concerning Goods Subjected to Import Control as already amended the latest by Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade No. 789/MPP/KEP/12/2002 shall be declared null and void.

Article 20

The regulation shall come into force one month as from the date of stipulation.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
On June 22, 2006


NO. 24/M-DAG/PER/6/2006
DATE : JUNE 22, 2006

